Cake Boss TLC recipes | Cake Boss TLC Games | Cake Boss TLC Location | Cake Boss TLC Cost of Cakes | Cake Boss TLC Baby 2011

Cake Boss TLCCake Boss TLC

Cake Boss TLCCake Boss TLC

Cake Boss TLCCake Boss TLC

Cake Boss TLCCake Boss TLC

Cake Boss TLC recipes. Rolled fondant is a dense smooth white sugar mass, comparable to a pie dough used for decorating cakes. Rolled Fondant can be rolled and draped over a cake. Fondant originates from the word "fondre" which means to dissolve and is named so because it melts in your mouth when eaten.

Small businesses have fantastic opportunities when it comes to outmaneuvering the big box stores. A perfect example of this is on television. If you have ever seen "The Cake Boss" on TLC, you know exactly what I'm talking about.
