Bittersweet Cafe Alexandria
Bittersweet Cafe Alexandria
Bittersweet Cafe Alexandria
Bittersweet Cafe Alexandria
Bittersweet Cafe Alexandria
Bittersweet Cafe Alexandria
Bittersweet Cafe Alexandria
Bittersweet Cafe Alexandria VA. The world loves coffee, but people show it in different ways. When a person walks into a coffee store in the US, the options may initially seem overwhelming. To learn more about different cultures from America to Ethiopia that enjoy this hot drink, keep reading. You see it in most coffee bars, cafe's, restaurants and now, bookshops but, espresso, in puritanical form, has many textures. The definition of espresso and how we define it here in the United States comes from our experiences in taste, site and sometimes sound but, in raw form, espresso is finely ground coffee brewed from dark roasted coffee beans. Hot water is pressed through a bed of compacted coffee at a pressure of about nine atmospheres. The outcome? A pretty heavy, aromatic and bittersweet hot beverage. Now what?