Cake Band | Cake Band Wiki

Cake Band. I'm about to leave the F-bomb. Yes, "federal funds" from the new album is da bomb Cake! Great item, but that's just the beginning of it. All sounds nuts are there, all the sarcasm and irony are off-kilter voice just the way they like. This is definitely cake. The band that brought you "The Distance" and "No" is back with organic pop this side of the alternative, and is still fun and funny as hell.

However the time it took to make 'Showroom of Compassion "is irrelevant. And so is the fact that the cake looks more or less the same and has changed over the members of Kiss. ​​The important thing is that nobody else seems this band from Sacramento, and songs like 'single' Sick of you the Groovin 'the mocudrama "Long Time" and the striking angular instrumental "teenagers" Pregnancy is a refreshing break from all that Bush or limp Limp Korn Kanye mooring.
