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Cake Balls Austin TX. Unlike childhood birthday parties of yesteryear, which revolved around a birthday cake and a small gathering of mostly family and a friend or two, today's parties require a bit more. Generally, all of your child's acquaintances from school are invited to the party, which should at the very least have a theme if not an exotic locale. What is a parent to do when faced with the monolithic task of planning the party of the century for their toddler, without the time or even energy to begin thinking about doing so?

Macaroons are a Passover favorite for many, who have a sweet tooth. For this new harvest season celebration, I have come up with a new recipe. If you love espresso, and also love coconuts and almonds then you should try this recipe. This is a delicious treat for any and all who love coconut. Take the pledge to live happy and to live in the moment. Remember what it felt like to get your first bicycle; buy your first car; completed your first New York Times crossword puzzle; have the first kiss from your first sweetheart; scored a hole in one or an eagle; watched your child take their first steps or dig into their first birthday cake or when you stopped to help someone who would have been in trouble had you not?
