Fake Birthday Cakes | Pictures of Fake Birthday Cakes | Cakes | Birthday Cake | Birth day Cakes 2011

Fake Birthday Cakes
How the most memorable days of our lives, we forget birthday. This special day is celebrated once a year is our very existence. But it would not be quite complete if there is no birthday cake, right? It adds more charm to the color of your birthday, it birth to the most traditional symbol of people everywhere and everyone is possible. However, have you ever thought about where and how everything started and people began to birthday cake? Do not it be interesting to find its source? I think this, let get started. Originally, the tradition began early in ancient Greece. Yes, it really was that long ago! When the ancient Greeks used to make bread and honey cake for the celebration began. Then, in ancient Rome, Romans his birthday celebration in three different ways: a private kind of celebrations that friends and family, and temple festivals in the city was celebrated as the birthday and the birth of the past as well as The present emperors or rulers or royal family and members of the royal celebrations by cooking and eating honey cakes were marked. Then, for other countries and races birthday cake started to become popular in the Middle Ages. In Germany, it was found to traditions that resemble the type of cake with sweet bread dough and the baby Jesus to celebrate His birthday is formed. Ultimately, it evolved in Germany and the traditional birthday cake symbolizes the birth of each child became a youth. In comparison, birthday cakes were often baked in the UK with objects and symbolic value placed on the inside. To do this, items such as coins and thimbles when the birthday cake batter during the Middle Ages were combined. In that period many people believed that whoever got the coin will be rich but if you ended up unlucky enough to be a thimble, you will go to an old maid